Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Air Force Linguist

So I sat in the library for an hour and listened to a linguist from the airforce talk about her job. It was interesting and made me kind of want to join the air force but at the same time, I don't want to. Hmm, I think I'll keep my options open. See what develops. The cool thing was that she knows Russian and Chechnian. Anyway, that's about it. I've just been thinking...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Okay, the moment you've been waiting for. My French poem. This poem is of course copywrited to me myself and moi.

By: Brigitte Faust

Mon coeur casse
Un mille morceaux sur le sol
Qu’est-ce que je vais faire
Sans coeur?
Je vive
Je ris
Mais quand je me cache
Parmi des ombres
Je pleure des larmes
Plein de peine.

At first, I didn't really like it 'cause it's all angsty, but it's kind of grown on me. Mom and dad both thought it had a nice rhythm, but they don't know french so I don't know how it actually holds up and what not. Feel free to let me know what you think.