Yet College is different.
Now if you break that all down and work it all out, you get something like this:
Time-BA Degree+Real World Experience= Employer not caring about undergrad classes
Employer Attitude+Ending School= Straight Apathy
Apathy+Graduation= Who really cares about this stuff anyway?
Now for all of you non-mathematically minded people (Like me), what this means is that I just don't care anymore. I mean, I kind of do. But not really. Which is a really weird feeling for me. I've spent most of my life caring about school and how well I did. But I've gotten to the point where it's like "Does any of this really matter anyway?" I mean when it really comes down to it, it's about who you know and your life experiences. I'm not being cynical either. I'm just stating a fact.
Do I feel like the past three years of my life have been wasted on a useless degree? Well, sometimes. But mostly not. I mean SPU has given me a good run. I've learned a lot here. Being at a really liberal campus has given me perspectives that I never would have gotten elsewhere. Not only that, but I've made some really great friends throughout my time here. So all in all, it was worth being $15,000 in debt I suppose. It was worth the experience.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to stop procrastinating these last three projects.