Wednesday, November 28, 2007


yes, you read that right. I'm actually slightly stressed because of the things I have to do here, and you know what, it's kind of a good feeling.

With that said, I don't know how much I'll be updating the blog for a bit. I've got some college scholarship stuff to do, as well as my usual lessons and things, plus I have some other meetings and what not. On top of that, I just haven't really felt like updating my blog and so I thought I would tell you all so you don't waste time always checking. No, I'm not stopping the blog, I may post about the same, or I may not post at all for a couple of weeks, it's just I keep a paper journal too, and like I said, I haven't really felt like updating this a whole ton recently, so if I disappear for a bit, have no worries, I haven't been eaten by a reindeer, I'm just busy.

The dean of the Foreign language department at the Teaching College asked me to teach an English class once a week, I was like "I'd like too, but I'm not sure if I have time" So that's cool.

I'm still trying to work out if I can pull off this trip to china.
Other than that, nothing really exciting here except that the biggest holiday of the year, New year's is coming up so everyone seems to be excited about that.

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