Thursday, January 13, 2005

Books and Recipe

Madame is getting more books! She showed me the catalog today and she's getting like ten books! I can't wait until they come in. Then I can read them! For now, she gave me another Chair de Poule book. In english the title is Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes. In french, it's La Revanche Des Lutins. I havn't started it yet.

In our Cahier (workbook) today, we read a recipe. It sounded really good so I thought I'd post it. I'll let you know when I try it.
Salade Niçoise (pour 4 personnes)
-Prenez un grand bol.
-Dans ce bol, mettez quelues feuilles de salade.
-Coupez quatre tomates en tranches et mettez-les dans le bol.
-Ajoutez d'autres feuilles de salade.
-Coupez deux oeufs durs en trances et ajoutez-les à la salade.
-Ajoutez aussi des anchois, du thon et, si vous voulez, du jambon coupé en cubes.
-Ajoutez du sel et du poivre.
-Sur cette salade, versez une cuillère de vinaigre et trois cuillères d'huile.
-Mettez la salade su réfrigérateur une demi-heure.
-Votre salade est prête. Vous pouvez la serbir.
Bon appétit!

see, it sounds really good except for the anchovies. Even the tomatoes sound good and I don't even like them. Here's the new vocab I learned.
coupez- Cut
Versez- Pour
l'huile- Oil
prête- ready

Spanish class has been okay the last couple of days. Mr. Shields is sick. He was at school yesterday, but not tuesday or today. It's rather boring sitting there for an hour, watching a movie and answering questions.

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